How Does Charging Work in Hijack Poker?

Understand the charging mechanisms of Hijack Poker, including how players are billed for their playtime and the intricacies of in-game costs.



Welcome to Hijack Poker, where we aim to make your poker experience smooth and transparent. If you're curious about how our charging mechanisms work, you're in the right place. Let's break it down.


Automatic Charging & Pricing:


Charging in Hijack Poker is automatic. This means you don’t have to worry about manual payments. Once you're at a table and playing, the system takes care of the billing based on the time you spend. View cash table rates.


Time-Based Increments:


Charges are calculated based on 6-minute increments. So, every 6 minutes, a specific amount is deducted from your account balance depending on the type of game you're playing.


Funds On The Table:


If your account doesn't have enough balance to cover the charges but you have money on the table, the system will use that balance. However, once your funds are bet in a hand, they won't be used for charges. If a hand concludes and you've won, the charges will be deducted before the next hand starts. If you don't have enough balance, you'll need to add funds to continue playing.


Need More Information?


For details on deposit limits, withdrawal limits, and other transaction details, refer to the Limits and Transaction Details section.


If you have any more questions, our Support Team is always here to help. Dive in, enjoy the game, and may the best hand win!